Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Invest in Breakout Nations, Invest in Philippines

Breakout Countries: China, Turkey and Philippines

Both Bloomberg and Reuters reported that Philippines is one of the best "breakout" countries to invest in especially for the long term. Below are two videos which show financial analysts confidence in the financial growth of the Philippines.

Bloomberg reports that Philippines is a Leading Asian Tiger Economy of the World 

Reuters Reported Philippines as Included in the "Breakout Nations" next to Turkey and Indonesia

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China) are so yesterday, says Morgan Stanley's Ruchir Sharma. Rapid growth can't be sustained and it's time to look to the next decade's big growers for big returns. Reuters Fred Katayama tells why Turkey, Indonesia and the Philippines are the next big bet. (April 25, 2012)


IMF GDP Growth Forecasts for Turkey, Philippines and Indonesia - The "Breakout Nations

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