Thursday, May 5, 2011

Choose Your Favorite Ferretti Shoes and Win It!

Win One of These Ferretti Shoes By Choosing Your Favorite!


 Or Fe....

or Ashley?

Confused? Wait a sec, I'm talking about Ferretti Shoes Pick Your Favorite Shoes Contest Giveaway!

I was trying to pick among the exquisite collection of Ferretti Shoes and I decided on this. I'd call this elegant shoe - Nicole. Like Nichole Richie? You bet! It's so chic, so classy, it's everything I wish in a shoe and since it's Ferretti, it's definitely made with the highest quality of materials makes it durable and great for women who want to keep themselves in style despite the busy days at work. 

I'd totally love to have this because I wanna strut down the aisle with sure fashion donning this! Joining is so easy that even your nieces in preschool could understand! haha

Mechanics on How to Join the Contest

1. Choose your favorite Ferretti shoe from this Facebook album []. On our wall, tell us why you like that particular pair. Tag and three friends in your answer.

So this is what your entry should look like:

My favorite pair from is _______ because _______. @friend @friend @friend Join this fun game now! Link here:

2. Like this album (so we can track all the contestants).

3. (OPTIONAL) To increase your chances of winning, follow us on Twitter ( and our blog on Google Connect ( You can also blog about this contest.

Twitter = 1 entry
Google Conntect = 1 entry
Blog = 3 entries

Post your username and link below in the comments below so we can track.

There will be two winners chosen randomly, and they will win the shoe they like (if it's available in their size). We will contact the winner on how she can claim her prize. Contest ends on May 17, so join now!

Good luck everyone!

Oi, once done posting it on their Wall, your entry should look like this :-)
Go ahead, you know you Like Ferretti Shoes!

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