Saturday, May 7, 2011

An Open Letter to Olay Whitening Products

Dear Olay Whitening Products,

Being a Filipina, I knew that whitening products wouldn't make me any fairer. I knew that my skin is doomed to be dark, so why bother using whitening products that would only make the corporations that create them richer? With such a sure knowledge, I was always skeptic with every whitening product which commercials model claim on television to have 'changed their life'. 

Until just recently, my mom told me to try Olay Natural White - Healthy Fairness Day Cream.

I refused with a firm 'No'.

I knew I would be wasting my time using a product that actresses who have already fair skin are using. Like what's the use of a product if they were already born with it. There's nothing I could do about the color of my skin anymore and using a whitening product would only make me appear like I'm trying too hard without getting any results. 

But my mom was persistent. She told me that Olay has always been Olay even before I was born. She told me that it is the product that has long been trusted by many Filipinas and other women around the world. She said she wanted me to have fairer and much more glowing skin. With her persistent encouragement, I finally gave in. I tried the said cream everyday. It's like good ole days when I was in elementary wherein I would bring some baon (snack) of which though didn't really like ,I would be obliged to bring with me because my mom wants me to have it. I kept doing so - routinely and religiously putting on the same Olay Natural White - Healthy Fairness Day Cream each and every day. Without missing even a single day. I thought I wouldn't really lose anything since I'm not likely to be allergic easily. Also, I don't mind the smell. It smells like the usual after-bath scent. It's not too strong or annoying to the nose. 

 The first Olay product that has - oh well - kind of 'changed my life'. The price of beauty has never been this affordable! haha

Then days.
Weeks passed. 

AFTER:  Taken several days ago during our team building in Baras Guimaras. No make up. No drama. Just healthy-looking skin. 

AFTER:  People who know me since birth would agree that I looked a bit more glowing.

Putting on the day cream has became so normal that I couldn't stand a day without it. Then people started to notice. My cousin sent me a message on Facebook asking me what in the world am I using. She told me I looked a bit fair than the old Jonha. 

BEFORE: This is me then. 
I thought my color was okay. I loved it. But I guess I could do better. I could love it more - that's when I started using Olay Natural White. 

BEFORE: I think it's true. Filipinas could do better. I'm glad I listened to my mom and I used Olay Whitening products. Now, people are seeing results. See my photos above for how it has, oh well, 'changed my life'. Really.

I don't believe her. Pictures or lighting could fool people. But I told her I'm using Olay Natural White - Healthy Fairness Day Cream anyway. She told me she'll try it. Go ahead!

Then my mom confirmed it. Every morning - without any makeup - she'd reach over the mirror in our bedside table and would let me see my face. She told me that the real beauty of a woman could only be seen right early in the morning when she doesn't wear any makeup.

I'm not gonna lie. Mom is right. I think I looked a bit lighter. 

No, I'm not the morena turned into Katy Perry-like white. 
Or Kris Aquino-like. 
Or I don't even look as fair as Heart Evangelista. 
These are naturally fair-skinned ladies with their colors enhanced and complemented by Olay products. 

But I've noticed that dark spots in my face were lightened and reduced. I felt like my skin became more healthy looking. Okay okay, I must admit -  I honestly think it's a bit more glowing. 

So today when we went shopping for our supplies, mom was surprised with what I've put in basket.

Olay Total Effects Ultra Nurishing Shower Cream + Body Butter (Buy One Take One baby!); 40g Olay Natural White Healthy Fairness Day Cream (yeah I thought I should buy a bigger one!) and Olay Natural White Healthy Fairness Bar with Vitamin C.

She couldn't help but smile.I knew what the smile meant - "I told you I was right". 

Oh well, I guess mom knows best. 



Update: May 17th, 2011: When preparing for my date with Daniel Matsunaga, Ate Chichi Sotomil, the super amazing makeup artists for the stars like Karylle - told me that I have a good skin. I told her no, not really. She told me, "Ako na nga nagsasabi". :-) Take note, didn't put anything but the Olay Natural White prior to the make over.

May 26, 2011: My former Business Leader, Bernadette Huele who saw me in the hallyway told me that "Daw nag vongga ang face ta day". Translation: "It seems that your skin became radiant". She asked me if I go to the dermatologist or anything. With Olay by my side, who needs to? :-)

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