Monday, February 21, 2011

Guess What Yahoo Sent Me?!

One of the Winners of Yahoo! Philippines My 2010 Story

A month ago, exactly on my mom's birthday, I got an email from Miki de Guzman, the Senior Account Manager of Ogilvy Philippines, which is the media partner of Yahoo! Philippines. Her email came to me as a surprise because last November 2010, I joined the Yahoo! My 2010 Story. The contest was about telling the most memorable story that happened to you in the year 2010 and my entry happened to be part of the 3 winning entries! Yay! To cut the way long story short, losing in the Standard Chartered Breeze contest made me win the My 2010 Story. God's not that bad in balancing ;-)

Copy of email from Ogilvy Philippines about me winning an iPod Touch from Yahoo! My 2010 Story

Lookie lookie what Yahoo! got me!

Er, in my dreams. They got me a bagful of schwags but no, not  pair of shoes, silly! But hey, those Pony shoes look really cool, don't they?

Yahoo! Sent Me A Bag Full of Schwags and Apple iPod Touch 4g

Yahoo! Philippines sent me 3 cute black t-shirts, 10 awesome purple pins, 12 Yahoo! Marketing pens and of course, my iPod Touch 4G

My new toy - Apple iPod Touch 4G with my mom on the wallpaper. Hey look, she's holding the ballpen and pin that Yahoo sent me. They might want to consider making her their Ambassador, haha! ;-)

I love this Yahoo! Purple College pin. Reminds me of my college days when we used to buy one of those, printed with F4, Britney or whoever pop star during that time. haha

Closer look of one of the contents of my Yahoo! Schwag - this pin is totally rocking it!

Any other graduates from Purple College of Yahoo?!

Yahoo! Marketing Pens - It was such a pleasant surprise to receive tons of them. I'll be giving away some to my lucky readers so stay tuned!

Yahoo! Messenger icon Hug me, as printed in one of the t-shirts Yahoo! sent me. Me gusta ;-)

Back  of the Yahoo! Hug Me Tshirt - don't you just miss those IM days? Buzz! haha

Yahoo Messenger Kiss Me Icon, don't you just want to wear one of those? haha

Show some love with this Yahoo! Kiss Me tee ;-)

If you'd like to read my winning entry, feel free to view it here. Stay tuned as those tees won't fit me so I'm gonna give it away to my lucky readers ;-) Yes, some of those pins and pens are to be given away too so you gotta Follow me on Twitter, Like my Facebook page for updates!

If you're a schwag addict like me, check out this collection of awesome schwags from various awesome companies ;-)

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