Monday, June 27, 2011

#ReaderAsks: How Did You Learn About the Stock Market & Could You Suggest Books?

While I may not be an expert when it comes to investing in the stock market but I've been getting emails from some of my readers asking me on how they could start investing in the stock market, what books should they read so they could jump start into investing, what is a good online broker in the Philippines and the basic questions that someone who has just recently realized the value of investing in the stock market would ask. 

Therefore, I would dedicate a blog post each week in trying to answer these questions. To ask questions, feel free to tweet me on Twitter using the hashtag: #ReaderAsks. I will try to answer each of them the best that I can based on my experience and from the tips of those who know better than I do. So without further ado, here's a question from Joann:

I stumbled on your site while reading about mutual funds. Anyway, I've read that you're into stock market? How did you learn about it? Could you suggest sites or books? I'm really interested about PSE and investing. 

Thank you so much


How Do You Learn to Invest in the Stock Market?

While there may be a lot of blogs and resources (here's a complete list of my resources and links to the blogs that I frequently visit for tips and updates) wherein you could read about firsthand experiences of people who have long been investing in the stock market, the first and most important step is to visit the official website of the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. wherein you could learn about the commonly used terms, the risks of investing, the minimum amount required to invest, among others. Familiarize yourself with the website and the most commonly used terms so you will have an idea once you start investing

What Are the Listed Companies in the PSE?

Since the listed companies are identified through their tickers, you can use this symbol look up tool in the PSE site so that by the time that you're investing, you will not have a hard time memorizing or looking the tickers and company names up. It would greatly help if you keep the said tool handy. 

What Books Do You Suggest?

When I started investing, I didn't really had the chance to read a lot of books since I focused on the latest trends so I consulted my favorite blogs instead. I was also very fortunate to have found group mates who sent me e-books to read such as Security Analysis 2nd Edition, Stock Market Strategies That Work and Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor. If you wish to have a copy of these ebooks, simply follow me on Twitter, use the hashtag #ReaderAsks and I'll send you a copy to your email for free. I don't want to give out my email address and I am always on Twitter so that's the best way to get in touch with me. 

Should you have any questions about investing in the stock market, don't hesitate to send me a tweet and I will do my best to answer them here in my blog. 

For the meantime, you might want to check out my other investment related posts. See you till our next #ReaderAsks session!

photo by pfala

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