Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Best Stock Tips Right at Your Inbox with StockTwiter.com!

The key to investing is not assessing how much an industry is going to affect society, or how much it will grow, but rather determining the competitive advantage of any given company and, above all, the durability of that advantage. - Warren Buffett 

Are you taking your trading and investing seriously? 

If the answer to that question is YES, they I assume you've already subscribed to StockTwiter.com's newsletter. 

A copy of StockTwiter.com's newsletter in my Inbox. Imagine daily alerts of what companies would be the best place to invest your money in. Over 140,000 people are following them on Twitter and almost 14,000 (as of writing) are Liking them on Facebook.

Not yet? Then you've got to be kidding me!
StockTwiter.com is the Social Media's most followed Financial Newsletter. They strive to provide the best free and  premium stock alerts in the market.  The daily tips that they provide focus mainly on small cap stocks that trade on NYSE, NASD, AMEX, OTCBB, and OTC exchanges, and are mostly referred to as "penny stocks".  These are stocks that normally trade under $5 a share and offer the GREATEST potential return on your short or long term investment.  

Being someone who invests in the stock market locally, I find their regular updates very refreshing and helpful for investors and traders alike to keep track and be on top of which companies to invest in. Regular updates contains their stock picks, fearless forecasts and graphs to support their claims. Though there may always be caveats in their updates and you should not depend solely in their words and well researched updates, it sure helps a lot for both newbies and seasoned traders to have something to compares his notes to. 

I love getting updates from them on Twitter and Facebook and I like the idea of the updates done through the social media. There's no doubt they are the Social Media's most followed Financial Newsletter. 

If you're not joining the bandwagon yet, you better be! 

P.S. Did I mention they're giving away one more $1,000 AMEX (or Visa - whichever works for you) gift card? Hurry up, the next draw would be on the 28th of February so go ahead and Sign Up For FREE Stock Alerts at  http://stocktwiter.com and Follow them on Twitter and Retweet this the following. 

Win A $1000 AMEX GIFT CARD TODAY! *RT *Follow @TheStockTwiter & *Sign Up For FREE Stock Alerts @ http://stocktwiter.com #GIVEAWAY #CONTEST

For details, go here.

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